Mission Statement
To give support, confidence, and hope to children and others in need to become healthy, educated followers of Jesus Christ.
Medical Camp | Home visit in Tanzania
Vision Statement
Creating a world that sees + does, where people rise up to work together to reach out in love, bringing hope and healing to the hurting.
Statement of Faith
We believe…
the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and authority by which we live, revealing the love of God to the world.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
We believe…
that there is one eternal God, existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He created man in His image.
Matthew 28:19, Genesis 1:26
We believe…
Jesus Christ is the son of God, born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, performs miracles, suffered death on the cross, then resurrected in bodily form, ascended and will return in power and glory.
Philippians 2:5-11
We believe…
in salvation through the repentance of sin, and faith in Jesus which brings regeneration of the Holy Spirit; it is essential for a Christian life. Only by God’s grace and through faith are we saved.
Romans 3:23-24
We believe…
the Holy Spirit is alive and active today and is the foundation of our ministry.
John 16:13-14
We believe…
God is love, all human life is sacred, and he calls us together to love his children all over the world through prayer and action.
1John 4:16