Widows’ Homes

Restoring Dignity, Rebuilding Lives


A Home for a Widow.

It is hard to imagine being worried about the rains coming in, or the walls crumbling down, unless you have been there yourself. But Imagine for a moment (if that was you), finally being found, seen and cared about.

There are far too many people out there who feel forgotten and hopeless due to circumstance. Life is difficult, the future is unknown and the challenges are very real. Just placing a meal on the table is a daily challenge. So how then do they even consider some of the large scale issues of home repairs? 

Thankfully we work with local leaders in Western Kenya who are beacons of hope in their community. Local churches and organizations inform them of people they know that have found themselves in desperate need. Once they are notified they go visit and assess the need and create an action plan to help them. Working together with the family in need, along with their local community, they create a list of specific supplies and labor required in order to begin the work. Then the funds donated through Pamoja Love for the home are used to bring in the bulk of materials needed to complete the construction of the home. 

This is a beautiful solution: you + the local leaders + the families all working together to help meet the need.  
